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The global world of certification business is alive with new developments, new services and new standards – in other words, it is alive with NEWS. For our interested readers, we present a selection of highlights from customers, standardization bodies, and industry masterminds.


DQS, your Partner for sustainability

DQS, your Partner for sustainability

ISO 45001

DQS, your Partner for Management System Certification

DQS, your Partner for Management System Certification

ISO 50001

DQS, your Partner for Management System Certification

DQS, your Partner for Management System Certification

GC Mark

DQS, your Partner for Management System Certification

DQS, your Partner for Management System Certification

Business Continuity Management

DQS, your Partner for Management System Certification

DQS, your Partner for Certification ISO22301 (BCM)

What is a SMETA audit?

DQS, your Partner for Management System Certification

DQS, your Partner for Sedex audits

ISO 37001 - anti bribery

DQS, your Partner for Management System Certification

How certification to the ISO 37001 standard for anti-bribery helps you sleep at night...

Logistics certification

DQS, your Partner for Management System Certification

How can you make your company stand out more from the competition? With DQS Logistics certifications...